Human Rights

For Murata Machinery Group's executives and employees, we have established the "Sustainability Report" to respect our employees' diversity, character, and individuality. Our Employee handbook has also defined that employees shall be treated fairly and adequately in accordance with internal hiring rules provided for separately with no prejudice whatsoever based on nationality, religion, gender or social status.

In addition to implementing internal training programs to prevent workplace harassment, we have made an internal hotline as contact points for consultations related to compliance and harassment, as well as for reporting unlawful activity when discovered. This hotline can be used by every group employee, including temporary staff. We strictly protect the secrecy of the employees who use these desks and prohibit acts of reprisal and detrimental treatment.

Human Rights Policy of the Murata Machinery Group

As fundamental principles throughout our business activities, Murata Machinery Ltd. and its group companies (hereinafter referred to as the “Group” or “we” or “our”) respect human rights that are fundamental rights entitled to all human beings. The Group places the Human Rights Policy of the Murata Machinery Group (hereinafter referred to as this “Policy”) as the highest-level policy among all our human rights-related policies and rules. We promote efforts to minimize adverse human rights impacts that we may, directly or indirectly, cause or contribute to through our business activities.

Principles to respect

The Group acknowledges and respects the International Bill of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and other local laws and regulations applicable in the jurisdiction where we conduct our business activities. If any discrepancy arises between human rights expressed in applicable local laws and regulations and in the international standards, the Group seeks ways to respect and prioritize the international standards.

Scope of application

This Policy applies to all officers and employees of the Group. The Group also expects our business partners to support and implement this Policy to work together to promote respect for human rights.

Initiatives to respect human rights

The Group recognises it especially essential to promote the following initiatives for human rights issues linked with our business activities and continues to promote the initiatives by addressing each case with integrity.

Ensuring responsible procurement practices

We share this Policy with our suppliers, review and assess their compliance status, and promote respects for human rights throughout our supply chains.

Prohibiting discrimination or harassment

We respect individual human rights and diversity. We prohibit any discrimination or harassment on the ground such as a nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, ideology, creed, gender, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy status, and employment status.

Prohibiting forced labor and child labor

We prohibit and do not tolerate any form of forced labor, slavery or child labor, including human trafficking.

Occupational health and safety

We provide a safe, secure, and hygienic working environment.

Working hours (rights to rest and leisure) and wages

We commit to implement responsible labor practices, including appropriate management of working hours and securing minimum wages.

Protecting personal data

We acknowledge the importance of personal data and strictly manages it to prevent leakage. We do not permit unauthorized or undue use of personal data obtained in our business.

Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining

We respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with local laws and regulations applicable in the jurisdiction where we conduct our business activities.

Human rights due diligence

In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles, the Group establishes a human rights due diligence system and works to implement continuous measures and improvements to identify, assess, redress, mitigate and prevent adverse human rights impacts linked to our overall business activities. If we identify a direct or indirect adverse impact on human rights, we commit to mitigate the impact through dialogue and appropriate procedures in accordance with this Policy and other applicable international standards.

Grievance mechanism

The Group installs contact points to provide all stakeholders with access to report any human rights abuses faced through our business activities and addresses grievances for remedy and corrections. In doing so, we do not allow any disadvantageous treatment of whistleblowers and commit to protect their anonymity and confidentiality.

Communication and education

The Group provides adequate training and education to all of its officers and employees to embed and comply with this Policy. We also share this Policy with our business partners to promote an understanding of and making allies of this Policy.

Dialogue with stakeholders

With regard to the human rights initiatives set forth in this Policy, the Group shares human rights issues linked to its business activities, engages in dialogue and consultation with stakeholders, and strengthen our efforts to respect human rights.

Information disclosure

The Group corporate disclose s website and other the compliance status of this Policy as appropriate through our communication means.

Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor

Muratec Group respects the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work declared by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the laws of the countries in which we operate.
As standards in our Code of Conduct and Implementation guidance of Code of Conduct, we have specified respect of human rights and the prohibition of discriminatory treatment, prohibition of forced or child labor or other similar practices.
To this end, we comply with the requirements including, but not limited to, attached requirements and enhance our supply chains to comply with our expectations.

  1. No levies, placement fees even if allowed by law
  2. No fee to workers as defined by RBA*
  3. No worker debt related to obtaining or keeping job
  4. Fees found to be charged repaid within 90 days
  5. Comprehensive employment contracts
  6. No changes to the contract or work conditions
  7. No holding worker's original identification
  8. Secure personal storage provided
  9. Voluntary resignation
  10. Notice period not longer than one month
  11. Workers must have freedom of movement
  12. Monitor their labor agents and interview Foreign Migrant Workers
  13. Policies and procedures must be in place

*For the RBA, click here to visit the RBA website.