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Supply Chain Management
Muratec Group strives to coexist and prosper with its business partners, suppliers, based on mutual trust based on fair and just transactions. We also strive to provide stable value to society through activities to reduce risks in the supply chain.
Procurement Policy
1.Strict adherence to laws, regulations and social norms
We will conduct fair and transparent business activities by strictly adhering to laws and regulations, starting with the Subcontractor Act, as well as by adhering to social norms, including the elimination of discriminatory treatment, the prohibition of child labor and forcedlabor, respect for intellectual property rights and the prevention of corruption.
2.Promotion of fair and impartial transactions
We will conduct transactions that are fair, transparent, subject to free competition and reasonable.
We will not accept or provide entertainments, gifts, money or any form of bribes for the purpose of achieving unreasonable profits or other benefits. We will respect healthy business partnerships that strictly abide by laws and regulations.
3.Business partner selection standards
In addition to items 1 and 2 above, we conduct comprehensive evaluations when selecting the suppliers and vendors. Factors include the stability of their business foundations, the assurance of productspecifications and quality that meet our needs, high levels of technological development capabilities, strict adherence to deadlines,stable supply and reasonable prices.
Examples of initiatives
Supplier questionnaire survey
We are conducting a questionnaire survey of our major suppliers to determine the extent to which they are implementing the various policies that we ask them to comply with, the labor, health and safety, environmental conservation, ethics, and management system items of the RBA Code of Conduct, and their business continuity plans (BCPs). In addition, we have started an initiative in which our employees visit manufacturing sites to provide support for improvement.
RBA Code of Conduct supplier questionnaire results (fiscal year ended March 2023)
Score distribution (points) | Below 20 | 20 to 39 | 40 to 69 | 70 or heigher |
Number of companies | 0 | 2 | 32 | 78 |
*The questionnaire was updated in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, and conducted on 112 companies (112 companies responded).
Supplier BCP questionnaire results

*The questionnaire was conducted on 112 companies in 2023 (110 companies responded).
RBA Code of Conduct seminar
We regularly holds RBA Code of Conduct seminars for suppliers, subcontractors, temporary staffing agencies, and others with whom we do business to deepen their understanding of the RBA Code of Conduct and to ask them to comply with it.

Promoting health and productivity management among suppliers
In order to promote the spread of health management together with our suppliers, we introduce our activities to help you understand our health management and provide archived videos of health awareness seminars we have held.
Enhancing supplier diversity
We support the idea that promoting diversity in the supply chain will deliver new values, perspectives, and possibilities we never had before. We value doing business with companies run by women, sexual minorities, and people with disabilities (diverse suppliers). We will continue to help build a more diverse and inclusive supply chain through this initiative.