Information Security

Information Security Basic Policy

Muratec Group shall, under the direction of its management, systematically and continuously improve and enhance information security in order to protect important information assets such as trade secrets held by the company, personal information of employees, various confidential and personal information obtained from customers and suppliers, and information systems that have a significant impact on business activities from information security threats. We will strive to improve and enhance information security systematically and continuously under the direction of the management.

1.Information security management system

In order to implement, maintain, and improve information security measures and prevent recurrence of incidents, we have established an "Information Security Committee" headed by the "Chief Information Security Officer" to manage overall information security.

2.Compliance with legal and contractual requirements

Muratec Group complies with laws, regulations, norms, and contract obligations with customers, suppliers, etc. related to information security.

3.Education on information security

We continuously educate our employees to acquire the knowledge and skills required for information security.

4.Implementation of countermeasures and response to accidents

We will implement appropriate information security measures to prevent falsification, loss, leakage, unauthorized intrusion, and other damage to information assets. In the unlikely event that an accident occurs, we will promptly investigate the cause, prevent the damage from spreading, and strive to prevent recurrence.

5.Implementation of Continuous Improvement

We regularly review that information security is properly operated and maintained, and continuously improve information security.

Examples of initiatives

Internal control audit

To evaluate whether information security measures and their operation are properly managed and implemented, we periodically conduct an annual internal information security control audit, focusing on divisions that hold important information. If a problem is uncovered by the internal audit, each department takes corrective action and reviews the company-wide information security measures for continuous improvement.

Education on information security

We conduct annual training for all employees to raise awareness of the importance of information security. We also conduct annual training for information security managers to ensure that they understand their roles and objectives, and to improve their technical knowledge and skills.