Business Continuity Planning

BCP Basic Policy

Muratec Group conducts business continuity planning (BCP) with the aim of protecting lives, preventing damage to surrounding areas, fulfilling its supply responsibilities to customers, and ensuring the rapid recovery of its operations. Effective BCP entails analyzing risks to identify threats to our company; creating manuals, plans, and crisis management systems to manage these risks; identifying problems and making improvements through BCP training programs and repeating this process over and over.

BCP promotion structure

We have established a crisis management committee chaired by the president, and have built a company-wide risk management system made up of crisis management committee members from each business division, and are considering countermeasures for company-wide risk issues.

Examples of initiatives

Compact drill

We conduct small-scale drills to simulate the recovery response in the event of a natural disaster or power outage.

Compact drill
Cross-site drill

We conduct drills to ensure coordination between our offices in the event of a disaster.

Cross-site drill
VR evacuation drill

The evacuation drill will be conducted under the assumption of a fire, using VR goggles to recreate a situation similar to that of an actual disaster scene.

VR evacuation drill