
Compliance Basic Policy

Muratec Group aims to be a company that meets the demands and expectations of society by conducting fair business activities in compliance with not only the laws and regulations of each country but also social norms, based on the principles of conduct based on our corporate philosophy and the Muratec Code of Conduct, which defines the behavior that all executives and employees of the Group should keep in mind.

Muratec Code of Conduct
  1. Products and services
    We will develop and offer products and services that are safe and useful to society.
  2. Fair business practices
    We will engage in appropriate transactions, with fairness, transparency and free competition. Moreover, we will maintain sound and normal relations with political bodies and governmental organizations.
  3. Proper Information disclosure
    We will engage in broad communication with society and disclose our corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner.
  4. Personnel, labor management and workplace environment
    We will be considerate of our corporate officers’ and employees’ diversity, character, and individuality and realize a safe and employee-friendly workplace environment. We will also aim to promote physical and mental health.
  5. Intellectual property and personal information
    We will conduct appropriate data management to protect intellectual property and personal information.
  6. Environmental initiatives
    We will actively engage in tackling environmental issues in our corporate activities as well as through our products and services.
  7. Contribution to society
    We will actively participate in activities as a “good corporate citizen” and contribute to societal development.
  8. No connections to anti-social elements
    We will not have any involvement with anti-social groups and organizations that may threaten the order and safety of civil society.

All the board members and the workplace leaders shall recognize their own important role in realizing the essence of this Code of Conduct, and lead by example in raising awareness about proper conduct amongst people involved.

Should a violation of this Code of Conduct occur, the senior management shall lead the entire organization in rectifying the problem, searching out its true cause and working to prevent its reoccurrence, and shall mete out a strict punishment not only to the violators but also to themselves.

Daisuke Murata,
President of Murata Machinery
Enforcement: August 17, 2007
Amendment: April 4, 2023

Compliance with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)

Murata Machinery, Ltd. declares that it will support the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct (*) and actively promote conformity to said Code and its standards in order to comply with the law, conduct business activities with fairness and integrity, ensure a safe working environment, treat workers with respect and dignity, and conduct business responsibly and ethically with respect to the environment.

* The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) is an organization dedicated to CSR in global supply chains and has established a common Code of Conduct in the fields of labor, the environment, health and safety, and ethics.

Compliance promotion structure

Muratec Group has established a Compliance Committee in order to ensure the implementation of internal controls. The heads and leaders of each division and group company departments serve as committee members. They focus on raising compliance awareness and ensuring compliance in their organizations. At the same time, committee members serve as close advisors to employees in their respective departments.

Compliance promotion structure

Whistleblowing system

As a system for early detection and prevention of compliance risks that may lead to violations of laws, regulations, and internal rules, we have established an internal reporting and consultation service, and all employees are informed of this service. We have also established an external reporting desk for use by our suppliers and other stakeholders.

Click here for the compliance desk (Japanese)

Examples of initiatives

* Scope: Employees of the Murata Machinery, Ltd. and Muratec group companies in Japan

Compliance awareness survey

We conduct a compliance awareness survey once every two years to ascertain each employee's level of awareness of compliance and the workplace culture, which is used to improve internal compliance activities.


We conduct e-learning for all employees twice a year to instill and establish awareness of compliance and risk management in each employee.

Seminar for compliance promotion members

Compliance seminars are held for compliance promotion members with the aim of identifying compliance risks in their own departments and acquiring the concept of planning countermeasures.

Delivery of compliance learning materials

With the aim of deepening employees' understanding of compliance by making them aware of more familiar compliance case studies, we distribute educational materials such as the latest news and case studies every month.