Environmental Policy and Management System

Environmental Principle

Resource and environmental issues are serious threats to society. Muratec Group recognizes that and is working to resolve these issues in two ways: reducing the environmental impact of its business activities and providing environmentally friendly products and services.

Basic Policy

In order to contribute to the realization of the society of sustainable development, we set up a mechanism to manage the environmental burden in our business activities, and conduct environmental conservation worldwide in all of our business fields.

  1. Reducing environmental impacts on business activities
  2. Promoting products with high environmental value
  3. Complying with legal and other requirements
  4. Setting the environmental goal and improving continuously
  5. Disclosing environmental information
  6. Raising environmental awarenes
  7. Living in harmony with nature

Environmental Management System

Muratec group has obtained ISO 14001 certification for each of our offices. ISO 14001 is an international standard related to environmental management systems (EMS). It provides a framework for organizations to design and implement EMS, with the goal of continuously improving environmental performance.
At Muratec, we are committed to protecting the global environment through various business activities, including:
- Reducing power consumption
- Minimizing waste
- Efficiently using resources
- Reducing the risks of chemical substances
These efforts contribute to a more sustainable future for all.

ISO14001 registered offices
- Head Office
- Inuyama Plant
- Ise Factory
- Gifu Factory (Murata Tool, Ltd.)
- Muratec C.C.S, Ltd.
- Shiga and Oita Factory (Muratec Mechatronics Co., Ltd.)